MoviesApi - functional programming interface

  • Parameters

    Returns {
            userId?: string,
            parentId?: string,
            fields?: ItemFields[],
            categoryLimit?: number,
            itemLimit?: number,
            options?: RawAxiosRequestConfig,
        ): Promise<
                axios?: AxiosInstance,
                basePath?: string,
            ) => AxiosPromise<RecommendationDto[]>,

    • getMovieRecommendations:function
      • Parameters

        • OptionaluserId: string

          Optional. Filter by user id, and attach user data.

        • OptionalparentId: string

          Specify this to localize the search to a specific item or folder. Omit to use the root.

        • Optionalfields: ItemFields[]

          Optional. The fields to return.

        • OptionalcategoryLimit: number

          The max number of categories to return.

        • OptionalitemLimit: number

          The max number of items to return per category.

        • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig

          Override http request option.

        Returns Promise<
                axios?: AxiosInstance,
                basePath?: string,
            ) => AxiosPromise<RecommendationDto[]>,